Friday, July 29, 2011

Lessons From The Inspirations (Part 4)

Okay, so this is a little different than my other posts in this series.... but just as important(:

So Sunday, July 24, 2011, I went to see my favorite group of all times.. yepp, you guessed it, the Inspirations. Well, walking past their table, I heard, "Hey... HEY!... HEYYYY!!!!! Okay we see how it is... just keep on walkin' sister." Then I looked around and was like, "Umm... Are you talking to ME?!" And they replied with an answer I honestly wasn't expecting, "Well, of course! you always talk to us and you just walked through with your nose up in the air. I thought we were your pals?!"

Well needless to say, I was SHOCKED. I was thinking, "The Inspirations remember me... The men that I think the world of, remember ME! They see a billion people every month, and they remembered little ol' me? As my friend, Courtney, said, it sure does speak a lot of someone's character. Especially people like them that see so many people year round.

It speaks a lot of their character because they didn't HAVE to remember me. I mean, it never would've bothered me if they didn't flag me down like that. I wouldn't have been offended or anything cause I know they see a lot of people through the year. But they we're thoughtful enough to take the time to remember me and call me over. They may not know but that meant the WORLD to me. Totally worth the time driving from church to their with no break. haha. I told EVERYONE about what happened. It really blessed my soul, just cause I think so highly of them.

But, with each earthly blessing like that, comes a spiritual lesson. This lesson was something that we're taught as children, but it's something that's really hard to rap your mind around.

While I was so excited to tell everyone that The Inspirations remembered ME, god started to ask me, "Well how many people have you told about Me? I know EVERYONE's name. And I love you each. I even know the number of hairs on your head."

Now, if that doesn't get your fire going, you're wood's wet! Think about it. God. He has no reason to remember ALL of our names. He doesn't even have to remember the names of the saved if He didn't want to. But He does! He loves us each so much that He made us each special and knows everything about each one of us. He knows His children! And when you think bout that, nothing else matters. The president may not know me, The Primitive Quartet may not know me, the Inspirations do know me, but if God doesn't know you when the Judgement Day comes, then NOTHING ELSE MATTERS! God is all I need!

I'm not well known at school, I'm not "gifted" with spiritual gifts like others, but God knows me! And He knows everything there is about me. And He doesn't only know that about me! He knows it about you too! He loves you! (:

He Knows My Name!

Bible Verse: "But even the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Fear not therefore: ye are of more value than many sparrows." Luke 12:7

Song: He Knows My Name by: The McRaes(<<the different part)

He Knows My Name
By: The McRaes

Verse 1: He counts the stars one and all
He knows how much sand is on the shores
He sees every sparrow that falls
He made the mountains and the seas
He's in control of everything
Of all creatures great and small
Chorus: And He knows my name
Every step that I take
Every move that I make
Every tear that I cry
He knows my name
When I'm overwhelmed by the pain
And can't see the light of day
I know I'll be just fine
'Cause He knows my name

Verse 2: I don't know what tomorrow will bring
I can't tell you what's in store
I don't know a lot of things
I don't have all the answers
To the questions of life
But I know in whom I have believed


Bridge: He knew who I was when He carried the cross
He knew that I would fail Him but He took the loss


Tag: Every step that I take
Every move that I make
Every tear that I cry

Monday, July 25, 2011

Lessons from The Inspirations (Part 3)

You get up in the morning, and it all begins. You may not realize it, but this is where your whole day becomes a series of this, that or the other choices.

Most of the time you just have to make minor choices all day long like what to wear, what cd to put in the car (and personally i recommend ANY Inspirations Cd), who to text, and what route to take to school, nothing serious.

Then, other times, it's more serious decisions, like if you should go to that party, go out with that person even though they have a bad reputation, things that could alter your life.

Then there are choices that you have to make, even though you know that no one is around to see what you do. Those are the choices that make you who you are. Those are the choices that give you your character. People might never know what you say, do or listen to behind closed doors of your home, and they may not be able to judge you on them, but God does see them. He may be the only one, but He's also the important one.

I was listening to "I Choose the Lord" on the Inspirations' new cd "God Makes No Mistakes," and I started to think about how I am about to head off to college. When I get to college, my parents, my church and most of my friends won't know what I'm doing. I could go wild and no one would ever know, except God. He would know. he would know if my choice would be Him or worldly things. If I were to stop reading my Bible, listening to my good, Godly, southern gospel music, or going to church, my life would be crazy. I won't have anyone to hold me accountable to stick with my convictions. So, even though I KNOW my life would go haywire, the Devil will tempt me, and if I don't make the RIGHT choices, I would fall into his trap he has so carefully set for me.

I Choose the Lord talks about how when no one else is around to approve or disapprove of your choices, you still choose the Lord. That's what my goal in life is, to choose the Lord even when I won't get a pat on the back. This is my cry until I reach the end, I choose to fight, I choose the right, I choose to take a stand like those gone on before! No doubt I'll win, Christ will defend there's no turning back until I reach that shore! I choose the Lord!

Verse: "And if it seem evil unto you to serve the Lord, choose you this day whom ye will serve; whether the gods which your fathers served that were on the other side of the flood, or the gods of the Amorites, in whose land ye dwell: but as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord." Joshua 24:15

Song: I Choose The Lord
The Inspirations
CD: God Makes No Mistakes
Verse 1: Like Daniel, let me stand. Like Paul, let me pray. Like Jesus, let me give my life for You! When the rest have turned and gone, and I'm standing all alone, Lord, let these words be what I say to You.
Chorus: I choose to fight, I choose the right, I choose to take a stand like those gone on before! No doubt I'll win, Christ will defend, there's no turning back until I reach that shore! I choose the Lord!
Verse 2: Like a farmer in the field, or a sower sowing seeds, my light must shine to those still lost in sin! So I'll press toward the prize, with a gleam in my eyes and this my cry until I reach the end! I reach the end!
Bridge: I am not ashamed of the Christ who died for me! I'll wave His blood stained banner, until He calls for me! He calls for me!

I choose the Lord! Who do you choose?!