Saturday, November 26, 2011

Lessons From The Inspirations Part 7

November 25, 2010 (Thanksgiving Day.)
We went to grandma and grandpa's house for thanksgiving lunch and turkey soup for dinner. We got home late that night and got a call that changed our lives forever. Jessi M. Patrick passed away. One of my best friends. That was hard to get over, I haven't accomplished that yet...

November 25, 2011
Three days prior to this date, my Nana Nix went into a coma. The whole family rushed to Memory Lane (that's really the road name, by the way) to be with her. Uncle Marshall came from his job in Florida, Uncle Bryan an Kim from shopping in Atlanta, Aunt Sarah, Aunt Mary and Daddy were already there. Cousins who were close enough came, or headed our way ASAP. Nana's siblings came from North and South Carolina, and Great Uncle Elbert is coming from Michigan.
I'll never forget everyone's faces when we saw Nana lying in that bed motionless and helpless. It killed the grandkids, kids, and siblings alike.
When she passed on 11/25/11, everyone lost it. There wasn't a dry eye in the house. The kids and Great Uncle Tom were around the bed and the grandkids were draped around the room. She would stop breathing, then start again. Then it just stopped. And the silence over took the room.
Kolbe, Kelsey, Karley and I were talking about the whole situation, while we went to the other room while the funeral home came. We established that, even though we missed Nana, we knew she was in a better place. And even though a lot of our tears came from her death, the majority came from seeing our parents, aunt and uncles reach the breaking point. Our uncles and fathers, whom rarely cry, cried. Our aunts and mothers cried and checked on us. Seeing people we love so much feel so much pain, is probably what got us the most.
We know she's in a better place, but seeing the pain and how much we all miss her, will keep the tears falling for months to come.

Song: If You Only Knew
Verse: 2nd Corinthians 5:8

Have you prayed for a loved one... struggling hard with pain
you asked the lord for healing.... but that healing never came
and in spite of all your efforts , the good Lord called THEM home
its hard to let go, when your trying to hold on
Now your down in the valley looking up to the sky
and your praying.... "lord you know what's best but I don't understand why"
if you could hear your loved one... speaking now to you they'd say...
you wouldn't be grieving, if you only knew.
If you only knew, I'm just going home, your prayers have been answered, my sickness is gone,
Things look much better from Heavens view, The sun always shines we're having a good time if you only knew
To be absent from the body is present with the lord, I'm in the arm of Jesus now & I'm not suffering any more,
hand in hand we'll stroll together down Heaven's avenue...We're having a big celebration if you only knew.
If you only knew... I 'm just going home Your prayers have been answered,
If you only knew... I 'm just going home Your prayers have been answered,
my sickness is gone. Things look much better from Heavens view,
the sun always shines we're having a time if you only knew

Things look much better from Heaven's view
The sun always shines we're having a time If you only knew!
Verse: We are confident, I say, and willing rather to be absent from the body, and to be present with the Lord. 2nd Corinthians 5:8

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Growing Up--It's Harder Than It Looks

Tonight was one of the hardest nights I've had in Chorus. It was the class of 2012's last fall concert. Hard to believe. I remember our very first concert... EVER. I still remember when Alex Drost sang soprano. (That actually hadn't changed until recently...)

Mid-song tonight I started to remember all the times I've had with my fellow Chorus members, and some of our classmates. I thought about all the times we've had together, both good and bad. I hadn't realized until tonight how far apart we have fallen. I recall a time where we were all friends and that we loved and cared about each other. I remember being super close with Evans, Alex, Nolan, Kelsey Lockaby, Kelsey Miller, Heather, Lesley, Danielle, Irenee, Catie Tanner, Callie Payne, Callie Dyer, Samantha, Brooke, Lindsey, Morgan Kelley, Morgan Bryson, and the list goes on, and on, and onnnnnnn.

I remember when I used to get texts every day from each of those people. Now, all we do is acknowledge each other (if even that...). It's sad to know that the people that mean the most to me are the same people I hardly even talk to.

That last statement was hard to make, because I still really love each of them very much. they have all touched and changed my life and I don't know what I would've done without them.

I recall times in kindergarten with Catie, Nolan and Samantha. We were inseparable. Then in 6th grade, Tyler, Kelsey Lockaby and I always played American Idol Trivia on Tyler's phone. And how could I forget the time that Heather, Savannah Demers and I prank called everyone in our 8th grade class... "We're calling about your order of Asian Midgets..."

Then in the summers, I spent sooo much time with Irenee and Callie Payne. And all those bon-fires with Danielle, Evans and Alex. Who could ever forget the time Evans picked his plate up out of the bon-fire, threw the burning plate to the ground, and then had to pick it up again to throw it back into the fire. Throwing Alex in the pool was another highlight of that night.

I'm so glad I have all these memories, but it saddens me to think that alot of this will never happen again... It's so hard to say goodbye to yesterday! :/ I love you guys. More than you know.

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Never Walk Alone

Shattered, broken pieces of a daughter's heart hit the floor one by one with every word yelled out of her father's mouth. Tears burned in her eyes as she tried to hide her emotions as her English teacher told her she was not suited for college and that she would go no where in life. Her heart ached when the ones she loved so dearly turned to other friends and hobbies and left her alone standing in the wind.

We have all seen ourselves in places like this before. We feel alone. Desperate for love from the people we love the most. Everything seems so much worse when everything hits you at once. Especially when you are trying harder than you ever have. It feels like the world is upon our shoulders and we have to prove everyone wrong. We just have to. Or at least that is how I feel when bad things happen.

I feel the need to show everyone that I am more than they think that I am. I have to show my family that I am more than the "black sheep" of the family who only cares about church, music, the Duggars and The Inspirations. I need to show my friends that I am not a Christian just because I am sheltered. I need to show my church that I intend to leave everything up to God, and that I don't care about their personal opinions when it comes to my faith.

The only problem is that I can't do these things.... alone. I can not show them that I am trying to be all God wants me to be when I feel like I'm walking alone. I personally believe that we weren't made to be isolated people. I believe that God made us all to be "People persons." That's why I think that God said He could walk with us where ever we go.

We are truly never alone. God is continually with us. He will NEVER let us walk alone. We may not feel His presence, but He is always with us. Praise God. That's the only thing that keeps me going some days.

Verses: "I will not leave you comfortless: I will come to you. Yet a little while, and the world seeth me no more; but ye see me: because I live, ye shall live also." John 14:18-19

Song: Never Walk Alone
By: Brian Free and Assurance

Never Walk Alone
Verse 1: Arms stretched out wide, barley hanging on to life
left to suffer on your own
You came for all man kind to bridge the great divide yet some how ended up alone
because of all the blood and tears you shed,
I will never know that kind of loneliness
chorus: You spirit never leaves me,
Verse 2:Even when I'm hurting
I don't have to bear that burden on my own
You carried all the pain and buried all the shame
When you made that rugged tree Your righteous home
Because of You I'll never walk alone.
You came here as a man, I know you understand
What it's like to walk these roads
though my problems don't compare to that crown you had to wear
still you take them as your own
because of all the blood and tears your shed,
I will never know that kind of loneliness.
chorus 2xs
Lord, because of you I'll never walk alone.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Trust and Obey!

Trust - (Noun) Firm belief in the reliability, truth, ability, or strength of someone or something or (Verb) Believe in the reliability, truth, ability, or strength of. Trust sounds like an easy thing to do, right? It should be, but often times, we find it hard to simply, TRUST someone. I know that many times I have trusted people that I shouldn't have. That's something that happens to all of us at one point of time or another. That is why it's so hard to trust people.
Trusting people is one thing, but trusting God, SHOULD be a completely different thing. Many times I find myself treating God like an unreliable friend. When I was debating on what college I wanted to attend, I prayed long and hard about where to apply. Well, God showed me Free Will Baptist Bible College in Nashville, Tennessee. That's a good ways away from home. I prayed about it, and sent in my application, and when I hit submit on the online application, I told God, if you want me to be here, let me get early acceptance, if you don't, please make them decline me!
Well, I got accepted, and I felt this peace come over me. I don't know how to explain it, but I felt like everything was going to be okay. Then came all the paper work. Man, there is alot of that! I started filling it out and got to thinking, well, can I trust the result I got? I started questioning God! I stopped trusting and started doubting! THAT'S when Satan charges at us!
We all (including myself) need to learn to Let Go and Let GOD! He's in control! Whether our answer is one we want to hear or not, we need to keep in mind that God knows the whole picture, while we see only a tiny glimpse. When we learn to TRUST God even in tough situations, we will be better off!
The challenge this week: To Trust and Obey!
Song: Trust and Obey
Trust and Obey
  1. When we walk with the Lord in the light of His Word,
    What a glory He sheds on our way!
    While we do His good will, He abides with us still,
    And with all who will trust and obey.
    • Chorus:
      Trust and obey, for there’s no other way
      To be happy in Jesus, but to trust and obey.
  2. Not a shadow can rise, not a cloud in the skies,
    But His smile quickly drives it away;
    Not a doubt or a fear, not a sigh or a tear,
    Can abide while we trust and obey.
  3. Not a burden we bear, not a sorrow we share,
    But our toil He doth richly repay;
    Not a grief or a loss, not a frown or a cross,
    But is blessed if we trust and obey.
  4. But we never can prove the delights of His love
    Until all on the altar we lay;
    For the favor He shows, for the joy He bestows,
    Are for them who will trust and obey.
  5. Then in fellowship sweet we will sit at His feet,
    Or we’ll walk by His side in the way;
    What He says we will do, where He sends we will go;
    Never fear, only trust and obey.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Be Not Afraid!

It doesn't take much to freak me out. I am scared of everything. Literally. Some small things that scare me are things like spiders, snakes, lizards, Mrs. Batchelor's essays, and that weird thing that some people do to their eye lids, like the bending back thing. haha. But a few big things that scare me, and probably alot of other seniors in my school, are choosing the right college, leaving home, losing friends when we go off to college, and the big turn our lives are going to take after we graduate this year. There are a billion things I could talk about when it comes to fear.

Do you think it's odd that there are so many things that we are afraid of, but God hasn't given us the spirit of fear? We weren't made to fear anything or anyone other than our Almighty God. The Devil tries to instill that fearful attitude in us so that we can't do what God wants us to. He plants lies in our heads that will take our focus off of the goal God has set for us to reach.

A very personal aspect of my life would be a great example of this...

I absolutely love to sing, play the piano, and talk. That is no secret. My problem is that I am AFRAID to sing, play or talk in front of a crowd... I can just see the shocked looked on yal's faces! But I let Satan tell that I'm going to fail and make a fool of myself in front of everyone. When that lie doesn't effect me, he tells me that I'm not as good as Luke, Chelsey, Chris, Missy or Randy. Which hurts, because I love them so much.

I let fear run and ruin my life. I sometimes wonder if I didn't let fear and Satan enter my life, if God would be able to use me more often and more effectively. If I fully devoted all my time to Him, and just dismissed any unnecessary fear, would I be used? it's quiet a thought to think about!

So my challenge to you and to myself is... BE NOT AFRAID! God said 365 times in the Bible to "fear not." If He said it THAT many times, I'm sure He means it!!!!

Verses: 1) "There is no fear in love; but perfect love casteth out fear: because fear hath torment. He that feareth is not made perfect in love." 1st John 4:18
2) "I sought the Lord, and he heard me, and delivered me from all my fears." Psalm 34:4

Song: Be Not Afraid
Performed by: The Whisnants
Verse 1: Rocked by waves and howlin' winds
and the storm that threatened them,
the disciples sailed a boat on Galilee
They were tired and full of frieght
for they had fought the storm all night
Then the Master came a-walkin' on the sea!
Chorus: Be not afraid: for it is I! in the fourth watch of the night
You've fought and prayed, but I am here and it's alright!
The storm will rage the winds will blow,
but they are under my control!
It won't be long til morning breaks,
Be not afraid!
Verse 2: Hope seems gone the day is done,
and the night is pressing on
the doctors say that they have done all they can do!
around the clock, the family prays, but help's already on the way!
Without a doubt, another doctor's in the room!

Monday, September 5, 2011

Lessons from The Inspirations (Part 6)

I know when my family hears this, there will be a huge sigh of relief...

This is my last post for this "series" I might post some things every-now-and-then but not as much as I have been.

I am always amazed. Legit. I always stand in awe of the presence of God. Even when things aren't going exactly the way I wanted, God shows me that He is gonna turn my situation into something I could never have thought up for myself.

I know it sounds crazy, but I am thankful that through everything, God is still amazing. He comforts me when bad things happen. I have the PERFECT example for that...

So, I have (had...) this friend, who for the sake of the blog, will be called "Jane." She went to church with me, and we became friends there. Well, this was the summer before our Junior year in high school. She told me that she was going to move to Union and go to school at my high school (there's only one high school in all of Union county, she didn't have much to choose from haha). I told "Jane" that I would show her around and help introduce her to people, and I kept my promise. I thought that we were tight. We were with each other all the time, and then when summer came, we both had things we needed to do. We didn't get to talk as much as we used to. Which was a sad situation for me, because I loved her very much.

Come our senior year, I found out she had deleted me from facebook, I didn't think too much of it, so I tried to re-add her. She never accepted. I thought that was kinda odd. So when I hung out with my friend, Morgan, the next day, I asked her if "Jane" had told her if I had done anything to offend her. Morgan told me that "Jane" said that she had deleted me on facebook. When Morgan asked her why, the answer shocked Morgan. "Jane" said that now that she knows people at school, she doesn't need to be friends with me anymore. I was upset when I heard that...

I was upset because "Jane" wasn't only my friend, but she is a sister in Christ and was a member at the same church as me. I would've made a big deal about it, but this past summer, something happened.

This summer (2011), I had gotten more serious with God. I turned everything over to Him and I told Him that whatever was in His will for me, I would be happy with it. And I didn't mean it in a half-hearted way. You know the kind that you mean the prayer until something doesn't go the way you want it to "half-hearted way." I meant it with every fiber of my being.

Well, I had been praying and praying and studying and singing and learning more than I have in the past 17 years of my life about God and the circumstances He sends to us. Well, a few nights before I found out about my friend "Jane," God should me a verse. Psalm 34:1 "I will bless the Lord at all times; his praise shall continually be in my mouth."

That verse got me through that situation and will continue to get me through many more that will come. I know I couldn't have gotten through losing a friend alone. God was with me every step of the way. He will ALWAYS be with me.

God wasn't just there during the trial of a former friend, but he was there when my best friend died, and when my parents almost got a divorce, when we left the church we had attended for 15 years. He has been there through every trial I have ever faced and he will forever be my guide. He's not only my Savior, but he's my LORD, he has full reign of my life, cause I can't do it alone. That's way Psalm 34:1 is so precious to me! He deserves our praises at ALL times!

You may be going through a rough patch, so just remember, you can't do it alone! God wants to help you through whatever you are going through! He loves you!

Verse: "I will bless the LORD at all times: his praise shall continually be in my mouth." Psalm 34:1

Song: I Can't Do It Alone

Verse 1: I've got a tall mountain that's blocking my way
the highest that I've ever known
I plan to climb over that mountain some day,
Lord I can't do it alone
Chorus: I can't do it alone, on my own, I can't do it alone
Take hold of my hand, Lord, and help me I pray
for I can't do it alone.
Verse 2: the cross that I carry is heavy to have
I've reaped of the sins I have sown 
I plead, dear Lord look at my bleeding back,
Oh I can't make it alone
(sorry, I messed up the 2nd verse, i couldn't understand the youtube video and can't find the lyrics I literally couldn't do this alone...)

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Lessons from The Inspirations (Part 5)

Okay, so you know those people who always try to bring you down, or they always find a way to make things about themselves? they really get on my nerves... Not saying that I am not one of them, I have my moments just like everyone else does.

The ones that really annoy the stew out of me are the ones who won't ADMIT it. They just point fingers at others who do it. I know a preacher who does that... ALOT. I love him to death, but it just bugs me that he does that. He always has to have the last word or song. The sad part is... WE ALL LET HIM DO IT! We ENCOURAGE his self indulgence. It's a horrible thing.
I, too, have been guilty of that in the past. I encouraged people to get the cursed "Big Head." I'm not saying to tell someone that you love them, appreciate them, enjoyed their singing, or anything of that sort, but I AM saying that we DON'T need to make a church service (or anything for that matter) about that one particular person.

You might be thinking, "well you are making this blog all about the Inspirations." True, I am, I'll admit it. But let me tell you why. I love the Inspirations. That's no secret. But the secret is probably the reason WHY I love them. I really don't think anyone knows this about me... so you'll be the first. I love the Inspirations because of what they stand for, their character, the songs they sing, and WHO they sing about.

The Inspirations stand for Jesus and keeping His name in every state of our great nation. Their character, which speaks alot about a group of people, is amazing. You know how I know that? Well, remember how in my last post I talked about how they remembered me? Well, THAT shows how much they think of the people who enjoy their music. They choose to try to remember people. they don't have to. They sing songs that speak to the soul, not the flesh. They take me back to the foundation of MY faith. For me it has always started with a song. What goes in my ears comes out of my mouth. So, praise in four part harmony goes in, then it comes out (okay, so all four harmony parts don't come out at the same time... but they DO come out. haha). They sing about the ONLY One that deserves to be sung about... JESUS MY LORD AND SAVIOR! That just begins to tell you why I love these men dearly.

Okay, time to tie everything in together.

We need to be more like Jesus ( you thought I would say the Inspirations.... didn't you? haha). He was ALL about His Father's business... just like we should be. I believe that is what the Inspirations are trying to do and that is also my mission. I think we all need to step back and realize that it's not about us. It's about Jesus and what He's done for us.

God has recently given me a song about this... it came partly though something Brian Free had written and today's Inspirations song.

Jesus is all I need! He is the ONLY One worthy of ANY praise.

Song: Why We Came Here by: The Inspirations

Verse: "And he said unto them, How is it that ye sought me? wist ye not that I must be about my Father's business?" Luke 2:49

Why We Came Here
Written By: Joseph Habedank and Nicholas Trammell
Performed By: The Inspirations
Solo: Jonathan Eply

Verse 1: Burdened down pilgrim in need of redemption fighting to walk one more mile
There is a haven for heavy-laden He is in the midst of your trial
We didn't come to remind you of how hopeless your problem appears
We are just servants fulfilling His purpose this is the reason we're here
We just came to share with those unaware that He's still alive and well
To show you a Savior who died a cruel death but still has a story to tell
Share the plan of salvation, and the God of creation
To a poor dying soul on his way
To enlighten the lost and encourage the weary
That's way we came here today.
Verse 2: I didn't come to be boastful or proud of anything I've ever done
My list of achievements could never compare to the goodness I've found in God's Son
The name I've been given is not worth remembering for there is one greater than I
Here in our presence deserving our reverence is a King who calls me His child!

Friday, July 29, 2011

Lessons From The Inspirations (Part 4)

Okay, so this is a little different than my other posts in this series.... but just as important(:

So Sunday, July 24, 2011, I went to see my favorite group of all times.. yepp, you guessed it, the Inspirations. Well, walking past their table, I heard, "Hey... HEY!... HEYYYY!!!!! Okay we see how it is... just keep on walkin' sister." Then I looked around and was like, "Umm... Are you talking to ME?!" And they replied with an answer I honestly wasn't expecting, "Well, of course! you always talk to us and you just walked through with your nose up in the air. I thought we were your pals?!"

Well needless to say, I was SHOCKED. I was thinking, "The Inspirations remember me... The men that I think the world of, remember ME! They see a billion people every month, and they remembered little ol' me? As my friend, Courtney, said, it sure does speak a lot of someone's character. Especially people like them that see so many people year round.

It speaks a lot of their character because they didn't HAVE to remember me. I mean, it never would've bothered me if they didn't flag me down like that. I wouldn't have been offended or anything cause I know they see a lot of people through the year. But they we're thoughtful enough to take the time to remember me and call me over. They may not know but that meant the WORLD to me. Totally worth the time driving from church to their with no break. haha. I told EVERYONE about what happened. It really blessed my soul, just cause I think so highly of them.

But, with each earthly blessing like that, comes a spiritual lesson. This lesson was something that we're taught as children, but it's something that's really hard to rap your mind around.

While I was so excited to tell everyone that The Inspirations remembered ME, god started to ask me, "Well how many people have you told about Me? I know EVERYONE's name. And I love you each. I even know the number of hairs on your head."

Now, if that doesn't get your fire going, you're wood's wet! Think about it. God. He has no reason to remember ALL of our names. He doesn't even have to remember the names of the saved if He didn't want to. But He does! He loves us each so much that He made us each special and knows everything about each one of us. He knows His children! And when you think bout that, nothing else matters. The president may not know me, The Primitive Quartet may not know me, the Inspirations do know me, but if God doesn't know you when the Judgement Day comes, then NOTHING ELSE MATTERS! God is all I need!

I'm not well known at school, I'm not "gifted" with spiritual gifts like others, but God knows me! And He knows everything there is about me. And He doesn't only know that about me! He knows it about you too! He loves you! (:

He Knows My Name!

Bible Verse: "But even the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Fear not therefore: ye are of more value than many sparrows." Luke 12:7

Song: He Knows My Name by: The McRaes(<<the different part)

He Knows My Name
By: The McRaes

Verse 1: He counts the stars one and all
He knows how much sand is on the shores
He sees every sparrow that falls
He made the mountains and the seas
He's in control of everything
Of all creatures great and small
Chorus: And He knows my name
Every step that I take
Every move that I make
Every tear that I cry
He knows my name
When I'm overwhelmed by the pain
And can't see the light of day
I know I'll be just fine
'Cause He knows my name

Verse 2: I don't know what tomorrow will bring
I can't tell you what's in store
I don't know a lot of things
I don't have all the answers
To the questions of life
But I know in whom I have believed


Bridge: He knew who I was when He carried the cross
He knew that I would fail Him but He took the loss


Tag: Every step that I take
Every move that I make
Every tear that I cry

Monday, July 25, 2011

Lessons from The Inspirations (Part 3)

You get up in the morning, and it all begins. You may not realize it, but this is where your whole day becomes a series of this, that or the other choices.

Most of the time you just have to make minor choices all day long like what to wear, what cd to put in the car (and personally i recommend ANY Inspirations Cd), who to text, and what route to take to school, nothing serious.

Then, other times, it's more serious decisions, like if you should go to that party, go out with that person even though they have a bad reputation, things that could alter your life.

Then there are choices that you have to make, even though you know that no one is around to see what you do. Those are the choices that make you who you are. Those are the choices that give you your character. People might never know what you say, do or listen to behind closed doors of your home, and they may not be able to judge you on them, but God does see them. He may be the only one, but He's also the important one.

I was listening to "I Choose the Lord" on the Inspirations' new cd "God Makes No Mistakes," and I started to think about how I am about to head off to college. When I get to college, my parents, my church and most of my friends won't know what I'm doing. I could go wild and no one would ever know, except God. He would know. he would know if my choice would be Him or worldly things. If I were to stop reading my Bible, listening to my good, Godly, southern gospel music, or going to church, my life would be crazy. I won't have anyone to hold me accountable to stick with my convictions. So, even though I KNOW my life would go haywire, the Devil will tempt me, and if I don't make the RIGHT choices, I would fall into his trap he has so carefully set for me.

I Choose the Lord talks about how when no one else is around to approve or disapprove of your choices, you still choose the Lord. That's what my goal in life is, to choose the Lord even when I won't get a pat on the back. This is my cry until I reach the end, I choose to fight, I choose the right, I choose to take a stand like those gone on before! No doubt I'll win, Christ will defend there's no turning back until I reach that shore! I choose the Lord!

Verse: "And if it seem evil unto you to serve the Lord, choose you this day whom ye will serve; whether the gods which your fathers served that were on the other side of the flood, or the gods of the Amorites, in whose land ye dwell: but as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord." Joshua 24:15

Song: I Choose The Lord
The Inspirations
CD: God Makes No Mistakes
Verse 1: Like Daniel, let me stand. Like Paul, let me pray. Like Jesus, let me give my life for You! When the rest have turned and gone, and I'm standing all alone, Lord, let these words be what I say to You.
Chorus: I choose to fight, I choose the right, I choose to take a stand like those gone on before! No doubt I'll win, Christ will defend, there's no turning back until I reach that shore! I choose the Lord!
Verse 2: Like a farmer in the field, or a sower sowing seeds, my light must shine to those still lost in sin! So I'll press toward the prize, with a gleam in my eyes and this my cry until I reach the end! I reach the end!
Bridge: I am not ashamed of the Christ who died for me! I'll wave His blood stained banner, until He calls for me! He calls for me!

I choose the Lord! Who do you choose?!

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Lessons From The Inspirations (Part 2)

Buddah, Confusious, and the Golden calf. What do all these things/people have in common? They are all IDOLS. When I think of people worshipping these things, it saddens me for many reasons. Reason #1) It saddens me to think that possibly, no one told them about Jesus. #2) It saddens me that they probably didn't grow up in church or have even WENT to church, EVER.

I don't know about you, but it's hard for me to imagine praying to anything or anyone other than Jesus. It's hard for me to even imagine not growing up in church!

It's hard to wrap my mind around the fact that people pray to something that isn't living. I know what someone that prays to one of these idols might say: "Well, Jesus died." And that would be completely true. I couldn't argue with that statement, cause Jesus DID die on a cross. But what they left out would be that He ROSE AGAIN 3 days later.

So pretty much what I'm saying is this: Jesus was born of a virgin, lived a perfect life, died on the cross for our sins, and rose 3 days later to go and prepare us a place in Heaven.

How great it is to serve a living God!

Our job is to tell people about how GREAT it is to serve this Living God! It's our GOAL to win everyone to Chrsit.

So the challenge is going out. Myself included. The challenge is to tell everyone about Jesus and try to win them to Him.

So what else can I say other than: GAME ON!

Song: How Great It Is
Verse: "Jesus said unto her, I am the resurrection, and the life: he that believeth in me, though he were dead, yet shall he live: And whosoever liveth and believeth in me shall never die. Believest thou this?" St. John 11:25-26

How Great It Is
The Inspirations

1. I listened as a man cried out to his gods of earth and stone,
And it broke my heart to see all the tears that he shed alone.
And I knew that it was hopeless and he would not receive
An answer from the gods he served that cannot hear or see.  
How great it is to serve a living God
Who knows each breath I take and every step I've trod.
How great it is to serve a God that's real.
Whe sees my every tear and He knows just how I feel.

2. So I fell down on my knees to pray like so many times before,
And I only ask my God to hear my prayer, Lord, just once more.
And it seemed like the heaven just opened up and I could hear Him say,
"Yes, my child, I can hear you, what do you need today?"

Monday, May 23, 2011

Lessons From The Inspirations (Part 1)

Everyone knows how much I love the Inspirations, well this "series" is gonna show everyone part of the reason why.

Saturday, I went to Jasper, Georgia to Mike Holcomb's Homecoming. The odd thing this time was that I was alone. In the beginning, it start out being Ashley, Kelsey, Karley and Gracie coming with me. Well, Kelsey and Karley had tournaments and Ashley had plans and Gracie felt sick-like. Well, I got there, got to sit with Mr. Holcomb's family and enjoyed hearing my favorite group of all time sing in fabulous harmonies that bring me to tears everytime, ALONE.

While walking around alone, during the break, I stopped to look at their new CD and visit with the group. The title of the CD is "God Makes No Mistakes," and it was like God was standing beside me whispering the CD title in my ear. "Katie, I make no mistakes. Trust me." I just shrugged it off like it wasn't anything, but, He certainly got my attention.

Well, when they started back, they started talking about the song "God Makes No Mistakes." they talked about how they felt like God would use that song to minister to people, cause God does that you know, minister to people through song, and how it has even helped THEM. I listened to the words more carefully then the other songs, for 3 reasons. 1) I didn't know the words, so I couldn't sing it. 2) The first few words were very close to the Patricks lives. 3) God started speaking. The third reason was all I needed.

Although I knew that God was going to use this song in my life, I wasn't sure how. I KNEW God had a reason for Jessi's passing, and I knew that I was apart of her life and she was apart of mine for a reason. It's like I knew all I needed, but it hadn't sunk into my HEART... until tonight.

Tonight was my first time back to the Patrick's house since Jessi-Shake. It was HARD. I thought I was ready, but being there, in the house, without her totally changed my mind about being ready. We were practicing a skit that she LOVED, in the garage where she taught me how to play the drums. I had never felt so many emotions in my life til RIGHT then. Both sad and happy. It was crazy, so after we finished practicing our skit, I went inside and just sat there. Thinking, praying, trying NOT to cry, and when I got a grip, I went and got  my sisters, told Bud and Kathi thank you and got in the car. Then the song "God Makes No Mistakes" came on. THEN it hit me. God used tonight to show me that even though I know in my head that He is using all of this to paint a picture, a picture that we can only see a part of, to make a BIG picture. We may think that He's messed up, but He HASN'T.

And oddly enough, that all went along with the skit we are working on. Now you try to tell me that all this working together isn't God.

But I guess my big lesson from the Inspirations tonight is that God really DOESN'T make mistakes. He makes beautiful creations. He uses all things to work together for GOOD for those that love the Lord and are called according to His purpose (Romans 8:28). Now I'm just working on turning everything over to Him, and let Him finish His master piece.

"God Makes No Mistakes"
Steve Pearcy
Recorded by The Inspirations
Verse One: Have you ever seen a mother cry when she lost her little boy
Or a mom and dad stand broken for their son's life has been destroyed
Have you seen old age take those away who are special to our hearts
Listen then to what I say, God MAKES NO MISTAKES
Chorus: God makes no mistakes, He knows the path you take He brought you this far in life's way, He'll never let you down. God makes no mistakes.
Verse Two: Have you cried a river full of tears with an aching, broken heart
Have you prayed and prayed but no answer came in an hour, oh so dark
Weeping may endure the night but joy will come at dawn
Then my friend, you too can say, God makes no mistakes.
Bridge: Eyes not seen, ears not heard what the Father has to view
But until the day He calls us home let me say to you

Lesson 1: GOD MAKES NO MISTAKES!!!!!!!!!
Verse: Romans 8:28 "And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose."

Friday, April 29, 2011

God Uses Even The Little Things

"The little things you do for your neighbor are big things in the sight of God." -Duane Allen
That quote is one that I received one day, and it really made me think. I thought it was just a normal day, I was going to school, Preacher Chris was counseling, Preacher Randy was doing his thing for God. I was just doing MY thing. At that point in time I thought that God could only use preachers everyday. I didn't think He could use me as effectively as He used Preacher Chris and Preacher Randy. I mean, come on, they ARE preachers! God ANOINTED them, right?

I had been praying and praying for God to show me how He wanted to use me. What He was going to do with my life. While I was waiting for this huge answer that would DRASTICALLY change my life, something started to happen.

Now, I've always loved to smile, it's one of my favorite things to do. Well, while I had been praying for God to do something HUGE in my life to change the world, I started getting all these compliments about my smile when I sang in choir or walked down the aisle at church or in the halls at school. At first, I didn't think much about it, but then some elders at my church started to come up to me and telling me that when I smiled, unlike alot of people in our choir **cough cough BRIAN cough cough**, it really blessed them. some people had more detailed stories and some, was just that; it blessed them.

"4Rejoice in the Lord always: and again I say rejoice. 5Let your moderation be known unto all men. The Lord in as hand. 6Be careful for nothing; but in every thing by prayer prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be known unto God. 7And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus." Philippians 4:4-7.

Okay, so I quoted all that to say that smiling is one way you can show all this. Need me to break it down? Well, that won't be a problem.

Verse 4 talks about how you should REJOICE in the Lord ALWAYS! Not when you feel well, or every thing's going good in your life. Now don't get me wrong, there's a time and place for everything under heaven (read Ecc. 3), but we should still be REJOICING. I like that word. Rejoice. Can you say it out loud once? I dont' know about you, but it makes me want to shout! Anyways, to rejoice (for alot of people) smiling is one way to should that you are happy. And I rejoice most when I'm happy. I have an awful hard time rejoicing with a sour face on.

Verse 5- Looking up 'moderation' on, it says: the quality of being moderate; restraint; avoidance of extremes or excesses; temperance. The big red words pretty much says not to be too much of anything, this would include happy. I know what you're thinking, "Katie, you just said we needed to smile and REJOICE all the time! How can we NOT be extreme about it?!" I don't believe this is saying not to be EXTREME about Jesus, I think it says that we can over do the happy in some ways. You know people like this. Those overly peppy people that you believe are faking the happiness. And I think that's what God wants us to stay away from; the happy that makes people think we are faking. Now wouldn't that be wonderful? You're trying SO hard to REJOICE that it comes off as faking it. Be GENUINE about it. It needs to come from your heart, not your head, honey child.

Verse 6- The main word in this verse that I want to focus on is THANKSGIVING. Being Thankful. REJOICING in MODERATION is how we can show THANKSGIVING.

Verse 7- The verses before this(4-6) show us the way to keep that PEACE OF GOD in our lives. I've often heard that peace isn't the absence of a storm, but the present of God in our lives. And I completely agree with that. We,a s Christians, have peace after we are saved, and that should make verses 4-6 come easier to us than sinners, but sometimes I even have trouble with all of this.

So getting back to the quote... God uses even SMILES of a REJOICING heart to bless people. You don't have to be a preacher to "Rejoice in the Lord always" and be a light to someone you run into. God uses even the little things to reach people.

A good song to go with this would be Mark Lowry's "God Calls Us All." If you get a chance, look it up.

As you go on your way this week, I pray that you rejoice in the Lord always and show off that smile God gave you.

God Bless!

Friday, April 8, 2011

Falling In Love All Over Again...

 I was at work today, and I was thinking about Singing School, the Wasendorfs, the Myers and all my family and friends. Well, God came to mind, like He does often. Well, I was thinking about how He knows everything about us and everything that we have and will face. Then I got on the thought that He KNEW I would go to singing school and become friends with the people I have. When I started going to NGSGM, I had no idea that I would become so obsessed with it. When I started going (way back when), I thought it would be just a summer thing, you know, something to get me outta the house, but it became SO much more. There's not a day that goes by that I don't think about someone there or my lovely, lovely teachers. There's not even a day that goes by that I don't get a song from one of our song books stuck on replay in my head. And although I didn't know that singing school would become such a big part of my life, God did. He knew before I was even born that singing school would be my everything. He knew how in love I would become with everything about the music, the people and the memories there. He knew that one day my path would cross with the Wasendorfs, my second family, and He knew how close I would become with them. He also knew every bit of drama that took place at NGSGM, and at times there was ALOT of it. He knew that there would be times that I wouldn't understand just how NGSGM was working in my life. He knew how everything would be connected. For example, last summer, when my friend Jessi found out she had cancer, I just happen to be at singing school. God knew I would need them to lean on. He was right. It was one of the most trying times in my life, and I don't think I could've made it through without them. And after Jessi passed away, they all rallied around me and helped me through it. God knew the people that could get me through it. He knew that every single person at that school would help me pray. He knew that people there would sit and talk to me about everything. He KNEW. I don't know about you, but that just amazes me. It blows my mind that God cares so much for us, that He took the time to plan out our lives and make everything fall together perfectly. It amazes me that He knew that when He made this world that He would have to send His only begotten Son to die for us. I mean, He didn't HAVE to send Jesus, but the fact that He CHOSE to, knowing all the dumb things we would do and how much we didn't deserve His Son, He STILL CHOSE. He didn't eenie, meenie, minie, moe the choice between Jesus and the angel Gabriel, oh no. He freely CHOSE HIS SON to die for the world. That puts me in awe of God. I have been in love with God for as long as I can remember, but thinking about everything God has planned for me and how much He loves me, makes me fall in love all over again.

Monday, March 28, 2011

"I'm Proud of You, Girl"

"I'm proud of you, girl." those are 4 words and a contraction that I loveeee hearing. Sunday night, I heard them from someone that means the world to me... Danny Hyatt. He and his wife, Cindy, mean so terribly much to me. And no matter what anyone thinks, they do NOT know how much I value that little phrase that came out of their mouths. I needed to hear them saying that. And everytime I talk about that night, I cry. I'm not sure why I cry, but, I do. I get God-bumps. But, let me back up and try to explain this story.

Well, August 20th of 2009, I started attending First Free Will Baptist regularly. And ever since I started attending there, I noticed this couple. Come to find out their names are Danny and Cindy Hyatt. They sing and praise God and Danny shouts, "ohhhhh glory" when he gets filled with the Spirit. Those words will forever be imprinted on my heart. When I hear him shout that, I know his heart's getting filled. And when Mrs. Cindy sings, the Spirit of God falls. Oh how I love that couple.

I think I love them so much, because they are... well... REAL. They aren't "Sunday Mornin' Christians." They show when God's movin' in them at church. And quiet honestly, Mr. Danny scared me sometimes when he'd let out his Indian God holler! haha. I used to jump 50 feet in the air when he let that hoot out, but now, if I don't hear it, it scares me! They are the type of marriage I want when I get married. They serve God. Period. There's no ifs, ands, or buts when it comes to them and God. Man, how I wish I were more like that. Not only do they worship God with everything they have, they edify fellow Christians in the church. Especially me. When I go to sing a solo, or in youth choir, I always look at them. I'm not sure if they notice, but I do. Everytime. It never fails. And Mrs. Cindy has always been there telling me that I can do it. it's kinda like they see something that God's placed in me that I have over looked. They believe in me, and I love them so much for that.

I said all that to say this: Sunday night. Youth Choir sang "When I Call On Jesus." When Courtney Busbee got to "Call Him in the morning', in the afternoon time Late in the evening' He'll be there When your heart is broken, And you feel discouraged, You can just remember that He said He'll be there" I just HAD to get my hands in the air. My eyes were closed, and when I opened them, I saw Mr. Danny and Mrs. Cindy. Then they chorus came back and I couldn't contain it anymore, Both my hands were in the air and I saw Mr. Danny just pointing up there... and I was just like: "God, thank You, for.. this. all of this. Everyone in this building and placing me where You have. I love You, Lord." Then after church, I got out to the door where Mr. Danny was and he just simply said, "I'm proud of you, girl." Boy, that made everything just worth the while. That meant so much to me. (I wanted to tell him that I just wanted to hug him and Mrs. Cindy. and just thank them. For being them. but.. I didn't get a chance)

And since they said something that meant so much to me, I just want to tell them:
Thank you. Thank you for being everything God has made yal to be. I love yal so terribly much. You really have no idea what it means to me that you all are proud of me.... those are 4 words and a contraction that I will carry with me the rest of my life. I love you more than peanut better loves jelly!

God has been good to me!

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Let the Music Begin

Have you ever had someone misunderstand you? Or not understand you at all? I know that happens to me... alot. I don't think anyone quiet gets how my brain works. I, whom often has boys on the mind, spends most of my time listening to music. Music. Just the WORD sends beautiful chords through my ears. Chords, of all kinds, just give me a sense of relief, comfort and BELONGING. I'm gonna tell you a secret... I've never really felt like I belonged anywhere. Even in my own famliy, they are all sports minded... and then... there's me. The Black Sheep. Yepp. That's me. I wear that label in my famliy. Ha. I ask myself all the time why my family doesn't have at least some of the same inerests as me. I know God has a purpose. I know deep in my bones that He does. If He didn't, I don't think I could live with the sense of being an outcast... Even within my own family. But when the music begins... all those thoughts just disappear. When I hear music, I just lose all thoughts that I ever had before. Like last night for instence. Our ensemble went to kind of open up for the Compulsive Lyers (YES, that's how they spell LYERS) and Southern Harmony. Can I just say that they are AMAZING?! We, as the high schoolers we are, sat and listened to those college kids sing songs and connect with each other and their audiance in a way that I've never seen before. They told stories with the songs they sang. Now, I don't know about you, however comma, I have never seen anyone do THAT with SPORTS. After seeing them perform... I knew that I wasn't completely alone... I knew that there were people just down yonder in YOUNG HARRIS that hear what I hear. They might even understand. Well, back to the performance... Song after song... Note after note... I just kept soaking in all they were placing out for me. They didn't really sing anything that I listen to, however comma, the way they precented the songs, it made me fall in love. I fell completely in love with my music, my piano and the GENRE of music I like all over again. Last night... God revealed to me part of why I'm here. Although I may not 'fit in' with most people, I do BELONG here. In this place. In this point in time. I KNOW without a shadow of a doubt that God wants me here. Whatever the reason, music is involved somewhere. God has given me music for a comfort, a friend, a LIFE. I use it to praise Him. I use it to lift Him up. He gave me the gift, to give it BACK to HIM. That's the only way I can feel excepted or understood. So... Let the Music Begin...

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Whoaa. Hard to Believe...

Okay, so today is the 25th. Two months ago, my best friend, Jessi,passed away. When I realized that it was the 25th, I was like, okay, maybe I can make it through the day... but I was totally wrong. I walked into Ms. Poole's room and I sat down like any other day. She started telling us crazy stories, and she started talking about her EX-Husband's 19 year old brother that died of LEUKEMIA! I was thinking, "Ms. Poole, of ALL the things you could talk about, you choose CANCER?!" I held it together through that. When I made it to homeroom, I went to find Kelli Owenby, told her: "It's been 2 months." And she just looked back at me and was automatically said, "If you need a shoulder to cry on, here's mine. USE IT!" That made me feel alittle better, cause I know I have probably been driving people crazy by talking about Jessi all the time. I finally made it to 4th block... Mrs. Batchelor. We talked about DEATH the WHOLE ENTIRE TIME! We finished up our projects on the story, "A Worn Path" or something like that, and the older lady was going crazy because her Grandson had died and she thought he was still alive and acted like he was still living. Sometimes, I feel like that. I feel like Jessi is gonna walk through those doors any moment and smile that big ol' smile of hers. Does that make ME crazy? I never realized that you could miss someone so much. This is crazy. she's only been gone 2 months, and it feels like 200 years! It's insane. My day has been just as haywire as my thoughts in this blog. Am I going crazy? or is this just part of the healing process? Will I ever get past this? or will I live like this forever? I pray and pray that this will get easier, or Jesus will come and get us.

"Jesus, I just want to thank You for taking care of Jessi. Thank You for letting me know her. Jesus, I'm ready to see her again, and get to see You. That will be the greatest thing ever. I love You, Lord. So very much. Amen." 

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

The Perfect Man

Okay, so watching the movie: "The Perfect Man" and it's about a single mother that is trying to find her 'perfect man.' Like there is such thing. I know I have claimed that a guy is 'perfect,' but I also remember my 'perfect' is different from someone else's 'perfect.' So truly, there IS no perfect man outside of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. This is kind of a venting post as well as a realization one for me. Although I may not find my perfect man, I know there will be a man somewhere in my future. Well, hopefully(: All I know is that I'm praying and waiting. I know God hears(: