Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Be Not Afraid!

It doesn't take much to freak me out. I am scared of everything. Literally. Some small things that scare me are things like spiders, snakes, lizards, Mrs. Batchelor's essays, and that weird thing that some people do to their eye lids, like the bending back thing. haha. But a few big things that scare me, and probably alot of other seniors in my school, are choosing the right college, leaving home, losing friends when we go off to college, and the big turn our lives are going to take after we graduate this year. There are a billion things I could talk about when it comes to fear.

Do you think it's odd that there are so many things that we are afraid of, but God hasn't given us the spirit of fear? We weren't made to fear anything or anyone other than our Almighty God. The Devil tries to instill that fearful attitude in us so that we can't do what God wants us to. He plants lies in our heads that will take our focus off of the goal God has set for us to reach.

A very personal aspect of my life would be a great example of this...

I absolutely love to sing, play the piano, and talk. That is no secret. My problem is that I am AFRAID to sing, play or talk in front of a crowd... I can just see the shocked looked on yal's faces! But I let Satan tell that I'm going to fail and make a fool of myself in front of everyone. When that lie doesn't effect me, he tells me that I'm not as good as Luke, Chelsey, Chris, Missy or Randy. Which hurts, because I love them so much.

I let fear run and ruin my life. I sometimes wonder if I didn't let fear and Satan enter my life, if God would be able to use me more often and more effectively. If I fully devoted all my time to Him, and just dismissed any unnecessary fear, would I be used? it's quiet a thought to think about!

So my challenge to you and to myself is... BE NOT AFRAID! God said 365 times in the Bible to "fear not." If He said it THAT many times, I'm sure He means it!!!!

Verses: 1) "There is no fear in love; but perfect love casteth out fear: because fear hath torment. He that feareth is not made perfect in love." 1st John 4:18
2) "I sought the Lord, and he heard me, and delivered me from all my fears." Psalm 34:4

Song: Be Not Afraid
Performed by: The Whisnants
Verse 1: Rocked by waves and howlin' winds
and the storm that threatened them,
the disciples sailed a boat on Galilee
They were tired and full of frieght
for they had fought the storm all night
Then the Master came a-walkin' on the sea!
Chorus: Be not afraid: for it is I! in the fourth watch of the night
You've fought and prayed, but I am here and it's alright!
The storm will rage the winds will blow,
but they are under my control!
It won't be long til morning breaks,
Be not afraid!
Verse 2: Hope seems gone the day is done,
and the night is pressing on
the doctors say that they have done all they can do!
around the clock, the family prays, but help's already on the way!
Without a doubt, another doctor's in the room!

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