Mid-song tonight I started to remember all the times I've had with my fellow Chorus members, and some of our classmates. I thought about all the times we've had together, both good and bad. I hadn't realized until tonight how far apart we have fallen. I recall a time where we were all friends and that we loved and cared about each other. I remember being super close with Evans, Alex, Nolan, Kelsey Lockaby, Kelsey Miller, Heather, Lesley, Danielle, Irenee, Catie Tanner, Callie Payne, Callie Dyer, Samantha, Brooke, Lindsey, Morgan Kelley, Morgan Bryson, and the list goes on, and on, and onnnnnnn.
I remember when I used to get texts every day from each of those people. Now, all we do is acknowledge each other (if even that...). It's sad to know that the people that mean the most to me are the same people I hardly even talk to.
That last statement was hard to make, because I still really love each of them very much. they have all touched and changed my life and I don't know what I would've done without them.
I recall times in kindergarten with Catie, Nolan and Samantha. We were inseparable. Then in 6th grade, Tyler, Kelsey Lockaby and I always played American Idol Trivia on Tyler's phone. And how could I forget the time that Heather, Savannah Demers and I prank called everyone in our 8th grade class... "We're calling about your order of Asian Midgets..."
Then in the summers, I spent sooo much time with Irenee and Callie Payne. And all those bon-fires with Danielle, Evans and Alex. Who could ever forget the time Evans picked his plate up out of the bon-fire, threw the burning plate to the ground, and then had to pick it up again to throw it back into the fire. Throwing Alex in the pool was another highlight of that night.
I'm so glad I have all these memories, but it saddens me to think that alot of this will never happen again... It's so hard to say goodbye to yesterday! :/ I love you guys. More than you know.
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