Saturday, June 9, 2012

Mary For A While

It's a Friday night, and you have very important people coming over to your home to eat dinner and have a fun time. What is the first thing you do that Friday morning? Well, it could actually be a number of things. Some people clean or go shopping for groceries. Personally, for my family (mostly my mother), we clean and clean and then clean some more! After all of this cleaning is done, we make many last minute trips to Walmart searching for odds and ends that we have forgotten while going through the hustle and bustle of cleaning and preparation we must go through for entertaining guests.

When it finally came time for us to get all dolled up and smelling fresh-like, I was playing music on my iPhone in in my room. While doing my hair (which take forever when you have as much hair as I do...), the Perrys came on. This is one of those songs that you have to be in the "mood" for. It's not a summer, roll down your windows and cruise song. It's an amazing song that deserves alot of thought when you are listening to it. This song is called "Mary For a While." It's about the story of Mary and Martha.

Those of us who have grown up in church, have heard this story all our lives. We know about how when Jesus came to the home of Mary and Martha, Martha kept cleaning and preparing things while her sister, Mary was sitting at the feet of Jesus and taking in the divine moment she had with Him. Martha, like most of us probably would've reacted, went to Jesus and complained about how Mary wouldn't do the "womanly" job and come help her clean and cook for the guests. Jesus replied with a simple answer: "Martha, Martha, thou art careful and troubled about many things: But one thing is needful: and Mary hath chosen that good part, which shall not be taken away from her." (Luke 10:41-42)

Now, I have tried to put my feet in Martha's shoes (which if we are all honest with ourselves, placing ourselves in Martha's shoes isn't too difficult because some of us are always there), and I asked myself: "What would I have said to Jesus if He has told me that after I had done everything around the house and my sister did nothing, that SHE was the one doing what she was 'supposed' to?" My answer came back a little too quickly! I'm gonna be brutally honest with myself here; I would've cried from anger. I wouldn't have understood why Jesus didn't want me to be a good host like my mother taught me to do as a child. I also would've asked Him why. Why wouldn't Jesus want us to have a presentable home or to serve our guests whenever they needed anything. I wouldn't have understood!

We are all born with a "Martha Mind." We all want to impress and serve our guests. Which isn't wrong! There is a time and place for that! But.... what is the point of having a clean house, fantastic food and great company if you can't take time to just sit back and ENJOY IT?! We all need to become like Mary! She knew the importance of spending time with a guest. Mary knew that she didn't need to continually cook and clean and serve her friends for them to have a good time.

Most importantly, Mary knew how precious her time with the Savior would be. She knew that His presence shouldn't be interrupted but the trivial things of this life. Mary knew alot of things that I am still trying to learn. She knew she needed to be still and listen. If we all became like Mary, not JUST during church services, but during our daily walk with Christ, imagine how much better our lives would be.

I want to be Mary For A While! Shoot, I want to be "Mary Minded" for the rest of my life!

Scripture: Luke 10:38-42
Song: Mary For A While
Artists: The Perrys

Verse One: A quiet afternoon in Bethany, Mary sits alone at Jesus' feet. But in the other room, Martha has so much to do, she's missin' out on fellowship sweet. And I know I could be Martha all day, let my chance to be with You slip away!

Chorus: I want to be Mary for a while in all that I do! Close the door to everything that keeps my heart from You! Lord, I want to rest here and feel Heaven smile! I want to be Mary for a while!

Verse Two: I know I'd make Martha proud of me, with lots to do and places I must be. Yet I need this time to refresh my heart and mind; Your presence Lord is just want I need! 'Cause I know I could be Martha all day, let my chance to be with You slip away!


Tag: Draw me nearer, Draw me nearer, precious Lord, draw me nearer to Your side! Lord, I want to rest here and feel Heaven smile! I want to be Mary for a while!

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