Monday, December 27, 2010

Jesus(: and Snow(:

Today, as my parents toted me to work through the snow, I started to go into a deep thought while I looked at the snow. I looked past the cold, icy roads and the fact that I am not allowed to drive when it comes like is has been lately. I looked past all the bad and you know what I saw? I saw a new beginning. I saw that the pure white snow had covered all the land around me. It covered the pretty flowers, green grass and dry roads. Those are all good and beautiful things, but while covering the good and beautiful, it also blanketed the bad and ugly. The rough red clay, the dried out construction sites, and the hard rugged rocks were all under 7 inches of snow. As I noticed this and took in the gorgeous landscape painted by God's Hand, I realized something.
This thing that I realized is something that many people may realize, but those of you that are like me out there, you might not have noticed it ever before. The earth, both it's beauty and it's ugly parts, is a picture of us in sin. Although we may have our good points (beautiful flowers, green grass and dry roads), we also have our sin (rough red clay, dried out construction sites, and the hard rugged rocks). The snow stands for Jesus' blood. The snow covered EVERYTHING in it's reach. Much like Jesus' blood did for us. When we give our lives to Him, He covers everything. He covers everything good and bad, because anything we do OURSELVES is not 'good' without Jesus. Everything we do without Him is useless. All is in vain unless the Spirit of the Holy One comes down. You see, Jesus comes into our lives and gives us a new beginning by covering up EVERYTHING in our past. Not just the parts we DON'T like. He covers every part. Because He loves us that much.
"What can wash away my sin? Nothing but the blood of Jesus; What can make me whole again? Nothing but the blood of Jesus Oh! precious is the flow That makes me white as snow; No other fount I know, NOTHING but the blood of Jesus."
So, if your life is like this earth, and you want your past covered, why don't you call on Jesus, He'll send your spiritual life some 'snow.' Trust me, once you get covered in THIS snow (HIS Snow), you'll never want to return to the life you once knew.

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