Summer 2012 had finally arrived. And I, for one, knew what that meant. The North Georgia School of Gospel Music was just around the corner. I couldn't wait. After working a few weeks, the week of NGSGM had found it's way to my front door. When I eagerly opened the door to a dear "old friend," I realized that music school wasn't exactly how I remembered it.
In years past, NGSGM had been a haven for me. A place to go and see friends that I had special bonds with. I got to see the sweet, loving faces of the teachers I had grown to love and the "older kids" that I had FINALLY became a part of.
But this year... this year was different. I arrived to the Truett-McConnell campus and EVERYTHING had changed. The college was being extremely strict, dorm parents became a little more uptight, there were teachers who had gone missing and new teaching faces that I had to learn. I was already overwhelmed and I had only been there for about five minutes! Then came the first of many roll calls. I walked into the Otwell dorm expecting to know almost everyone, just as I had in years past, and realized that I knew NO ONE (with the exception of a few familiar faces of course)!
I couldn't believe it. There were young kids coming from everywhere. It was crazy. My friends and I couldn't believe how many new kids we had. It was a blessing and a curse all in one. We were blessed that so many new kids had decided to join the "family" that we loved so much, but it was a curse knowing that so many of our friends hadn't returned.
I try my hardest not to be a "Debbie Downer" but I couldn't help but think: "Where is everyone? Why did I come back? I should've went on the missions trip! I miss Jason and Maria! It's not the same without them!" Needless to say; I was bummed.
The first week came and went, and I had a lot of fun, but I was kinda disappointed that I let the Devil get ahold of my mind as strongly as he did. Because looking back now, I know God had so many blessing in store for me, but I let the Devil remind me of everything that was going wrong. I wasn't focused.
When it was time to return, I went back with a totally different attitude. I went back with a mission to let God use me. I went back with the mindset that I was going to make a difference. I was going back, and I was going to serve the Lord with all I had, and hopefully have fun while doing it.
Boy, going back with THAT mindset changed everything! I think I had more fun than I have ever had at Music School (and that's saying a lot since I've been there for around 11 years)! Everyday it just kept getting better!
Tuesday night during devotion, God poured out His blessings on Otwell. All the girls shed some tears and got to share the things God had laid on their hearts. Most of the older girls still felt the Spirit after roll call and it spilled on over into the dorm room! Thursday, we had two saved! It doesn't get much better than that, folks!
By the end of the second week, I started to realize that everything that had went "wrong" in the past week, were things that I was letting take my focus away from God. I probably wasn't the most pleasent person to be around that first week, and I am ashamed of that, but I can't change it.
The Katie that went into NGSGM thinking it was just going to be a normal year, left as a totally different person. I learned that God truly works in mysterious ways. Sometimes He has to get us out of comfort zone to truly use us. During those two special weeks of NGSGM, God had showen me not to be afriad of the call He has for me. He renewed my love of Gospel music and my love for Him and His people.
I wouldn't trade a thing for those two weeks. NGSGM has always held a special place in my heart, and always will. The North Georgia School of Gospel Music has shown me that I am called to the music industry (whether it be working in the office for a gospel group or being used as a sound engineer, ect.), that I am part of a wonderful musical family and that I am not alone in this crazy world.
NGSGM: we will ALWAYS have music to tie us together, but if one day we ever forget the songs we've sang together, or maybe even the memories we've shared, the greatest tie we have to each other is the Savior we serve. I love you guys! <3
"I have been changed! Yes, I know that I have been changed! And all that I was before has been rearranged! For I have been touched by God, transformed inside and out! I have been changed, praise God! Yes I have been changed!"